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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy


We will take active steps to fulfil our responsibilities / promote good practice by:


  • Developing / publishing our equality, diversity and inclusion ("EDI") objectives.


  • Assessing the impact of policies, content, and working practices to identify, remove or mitigate any disadvantage to underrepresented groups or recognise any cultural or religious sensitivity or differences.


  • Taking action to redress any gender, racial or other imbalance highlighted.


  • Promoting awareness and understanding of EDI matters among staff, mentors, teachers, students and participants through policies, training and guidance.


  • Ensuring that staff, mentors, teachers, students and participants are treated fairly and judged solely on merit and by reference to their skills and abilities.


  • Raising awareness of our policies and commitment to EDI with external partners and encouraging them to follow similar good practice.


  • Ensuring that our classes, workshops, platforms are as far as reasonably possible, welcoming and accessible.


  • Making sure reasonable adjustments are made, as appropriate, to enable staff, mentors, teachers, students and participants with disabilities or additional needs to overcome barriers in the working, learning and social environment.


  • Requiring that our content, where practical, includes positive and diverse material that is sensitive and relevant to our cultural communities.


  • Dealing with potential and actual acts of discrimination, harassment and bullying appropriately and by taking appropriate action where necessary.


(In full support and practice of Trinity College London's EDI policies, as reflected above)



We want a safe and happy place for all.

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